Wasted Dreams


Contacting the Loser Herself | Pictures of My So-Called Life | Lizs Adventures | From Liz's Digital Camera | Vendetta Style | Even More Pictures
The Adventures of Liz!

Where will she end up? Nobody knows!

Most recent adventure: Kvaner Shipyard Christening for the Manukai
                                        Philadelphia, PA
I gotta give it to my sister for this one. My sister works at Kvaner as the PR/Marketing director. She planned the christening for the first ship the shipyard completed, the Manukai. It's a container ship thats going to run thing back and forth from the mainland to Hawaii. Well, because my sister is all important and shit, her guests are spoiled. I was one of her guests. There was a limo sent for all of her guests, we got reserved seats in the fourth row (I was sitting next to Tom Ridges lawyer and the CEO of Kvaner from Norway. I felt important). It was awesome. I took pictures!

Limo. WEEEE!
Me and my brother had fun with the sunroof in the limo. It was like that Olsen twins movie.

This is as much as the ship as I could fit in one picture.

The first ship to be built in Philly in 37 years.
This is the front of this ship. I took it from where I was sitting. It was HUGE.

After this...I've decided to name my first child Manukai. Boy or girl. Manukai. It's Hawaiian for "bird of the sea" and I though it was just the prettiest name ever.

First Recorded Adventure: Raising Spiders
      Hello and welcome to a "Baby Story"! Today we have a story of a loving mother who is now taking care of her 76 young and healthy children. Yup, I have kids. Spiders actually. I found a next and hatched it. I kept the mom seperate from the nest until it hatched. She went psycho on it one day and tried killing them all. She was fine with the babies though. They are currently growing up in my bedroom on the radiator. They are so cute! The mom likes me, so she doesnt try to bite me or anything. They are soooo sweet!

This is the mom. Her name is Giselle. All those little black specs around her are her children.

Congradulations! It's a spider!
You can barely see them, they are so small. All the little black specs are the children.